
Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder. -E.B. White

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


We constantly are making the decision whether to be happy or not, to make the most of our situations or to feel sorry for ourselves. I am feeling very lucky to be who I am at this moment. I know that in some people's eyes I may look lost, but I kind of like it that way. After college you are supposed to get a respectable or high paying job and that just never happened for me. Truth is, I'm not a very career-minded person. If career happens to fall under something I like to do than sure, okay, I might end up being career oriented. For right now, being "lost" feels good. I'm exploring my options before I take a head-first dive into any one direction.

For a long time I was feeling bad about not having everything figured out. I felt sorry for myself and hated that I couldn't get it together like everyone else. And I was lazy in finding anything to go after. I was waiting for something to find me or for someone to tell me what to do with my life. Well, as it turns out, no one else is going to do the hard work for you. You have to pick yourself up and find something that you love. I guess that is what spurred on this trip. Knowing that if I just sat around waiting for some kind of big aha! moment, it would never come. I decided that I had to make some kind of drastic change. Hence, the freeing lifestyle of random and spontaneous travel.

Being houseless and jobless feels right at this moment for me. I'm having to depend on myself and at the same time I'm learning to trust that whatever I need will be given if it's really what I need. I never have the fear of going hungry or not finding a place to lay my head (even if it is my car). For example, during a trip to Belize me and my travel companion were going to sleep in a tent on the beach during our first night we got into the country. Well we ended up meeting some very nice people on a small bar along the beach and got to talking and laughing and drinking. We told them our plans and they insisted that we stay with them in their spare bedroom in the condo next door. We accepted. That night, there was a huge storm that passed through that probably would have blown our tent away. So it just goes to show that life will give you what you need if you just have faith that it will. 

There. That's all I have to say about that.
Ambergris Caye, Belize


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