
Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder. -E.B. White

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I have to start off first with an apology for taking so long to write a new post. There has been a LOT going on this week!
Well hello there!
Waseca, MN

Well...Minnesota is gorgeous! There are parts of the state where I thought I was driving through pastoral England (see above photos). While in Minnesota, I drove to visit my second cousin twice removed, Sister Dominique, at Assisi Heights in Rochester, MN. Assisi Heights is a convent for the nuns of the Sisters of St. Francis order. It took me over an hour to find the entrance of the building in this city and I was NOT very at peace let me tell you! Finally after finding the place, I drove up a long driveway up a hill to get to the building. It is an amazing place with flower gardens and beautiful statues, some delivered all the way from Italy!
Assisi Heights

Inside was even better of course. There were courtyards and marble pillars from Italy and incredibly hospitable nuns! Sister Dominique took me to mass and a prayer meeting for the sisters in Italy speaking to the Vatican about opening up communications between the two of them. I met probably 50 nuns while I was there and they were all very kind and said they would pray for my safety while I took my journey. Now, I am not religious at all. I have a more agnostic view on these matters, but I appreciated the prayers for saftely along my trip. Good energy is good energy and I'll take it!

The Cafeteria
Idol Room
St. Francis of Assisi
Eerily beautiful

I have to thank Sister D for inviting me into their home and showing me all the kindness one would expect from a place as beautiful as this.
Sister Dominique

After Rochester, I headed north through St. Paul. The best way to describe St. Paul, at least in my view, would be it reminded me of a mini Boston. There were older looking buildings in the downtown area and lots of traffic.
St. Paul

Overall I enjoyed the state and all the wonderful people I got to meet! It was a change from flatter lands and it made me happy to be surrounded by so much greenery. Summer in MN is where you should be!

Next up...CANADA!
Yes, I rebeled (as usual) on my American trip and went to another country. But why not!?


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