
Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder. -E.B. White

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Hello there WISCONSIN!

I didn't expect much out of this state. And I appear to always be mistaken since I started this trip. Wisconsin was actually one of the more interesting states I've been through so far!

After Canada I decided I was going to head to the car ferry in Manitowoc, WI that goes across Lake Michigan to Ludington, MI. So I drove through Minnesota once again and came to the boarder where the city of Duluth meets Superior, Wisconsin. Duluth was one of the coolest cities! All the houses looked like those old ocean port town houses from pictures.

They had a beautiful park filled with flowers and a path that went down to the shoreline of Lake Superior. So I decided that I would stick my foot in the water to prove that I was there and I could say that I've been in Lake Superior.

My foot in Lake Superior

Annnd....then I saw this...
What the heck is Coliform Bacteria?
And am I going to die??

If you are wondering, the answer is yes, I do embarrass myself quite often.
Anyway, I crossed into Wisconsin.

And drove until I couldn't drive anymore. I stopped in a little town called Rice Lake about a half hour north of the city Eau Claire. It was the first time I had to sleep in my car on this trip and it really wasn't that bad. It was even kind of cozy. Like a small cave. I never felt unsafe because it was a small town and I parked under a street light and camera in a Walmart parking lot.

The next morning I got up and drove to Green Bay. The land is mostly farm land. There are more trees than South Dakota, but there was more dairy farms and crop land than anything else. This is where a majority of your dairy comes from America! As I was driving I saw signs for the crossing of Amish horse drawn wagons. Now that's something I'd never seen before!
When I arrived in Green Bay, the city actually kind of reminded me of my hometown in Colorado (Pueblo) because everything appeared to be pretty spread out. After a while of being lost down the many streets I finally started to get the hang of it and could navigate my way through that part of the city pretty well. I went to a Starbucks and decided I'd stop to look up what there was to do in the city. It just so happens I was only a couple of blocks away from Lambeau stadium, which is the home of the Green Bay Packers football team. I decided to go there and check it out.
Packers were the first football team

I called my dad to tell him where I was and I couldn't pronounce the name of the stadium. Of course I got in trouble for that! Ha! Hey, I'm not really a football kind of girl. Little did I know it was his second favorite team, I'm assuming Broncos are number 1?, so I got him a shirt.

I got to see the inside enterance. Unfortunatly, by the time I got there the tours for the field were about ended. But everything else was pretty interesting too!

I shopped around in the gift shop area and read all the fun facts around the building about the history of the team. I have never been a Packers fan, but they definately have an interesting history. The man that started the team and had a hand in forming the National Football League, Earl Louis "Curly" Lambeau is a football legend and there was many things there to commemorate him.

Vince Lombardi (Head Coach)

It was all really interesting to see and you can feel the all that history and importance of the stadium when you walk into it. I went to the restaurant on the second floor called Curly's Pub and finally got to order some famous Wisconsin cheese curds and leinenkugels beer.

So yummy!

I spent the night in Green Bay in another Walmart parking lot and then headed out the next morning for the car ferry in Manitowoc.

Now Manitowoc is a cute little port town. I drove in a pretty heavy rain to get there and the rain didn't let up until about noon. So I went to a little coffee shop on Main street and looked up different states and what they had to offer for my trip. I love rainy days when you have nothing to do but stare out at the overcast sky with a hot coffee in your hand and a comfy sweatshirt to wrap yourself up in. Ah, I'm almost craving fall. Almost.
The little coffee shop I stopped in (green)

Manitowoc, WI

A haunted house on Main street that was closed. Good rule #6 and so true!

I explored parts of downtown and then it was time to get to the ferry. So I said goodbye to Wisconsin and headed toward the ship for the next adventure!
The S.S. Badger

Michigan here I come!

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