
Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder. -E.B. White

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Brookings (Aurora), South Dakota: The wind was blowing the hardest I've ever seen it blow before. The trees outside the apartment window were rocking hard and the sky was turning dark grey. My cousin said she had never seen it quite that intense before. Which in turn, caused some slight nervousness on my part. On the national weather channel there were tornado warnings around different counties in the state. We watched the clouds move rapidly in the wind and jokingly asked if we could see any tornados forming.

The wind picked up even harder and the rain started falling. The sky was slowly turning green. I had heard somewhere that when the sky turns green it means there is more of a chance of a tornado occuring because the pressures in the atomosphere are changing. I turned to my cousin and told her we should get our shoes on at least in case we need to run downstairs. The sky turned a brilliant green and as cool as it would be to see a tornado, no one really wants to see that too close.

Eventually, the storm died down and we turned away from the window. The next time I looked at the sky a half hour later it was the most amazing orange I had ever seen! It was a stunning sunset and I felt incredibly lucky to have been there to witness it. On one half of the sky was a rainbow set against the dark rain clouds that were passing east. On the other was what you see in the pictures.

These pictures are not in any way changed. I decided they were already perfect enough. The camera really didn't change the image at all either, it was pretty much what you see is what you get. I'm glad I get to share these amazing sights. I can't wait to find more!

After The Storm
Aurora, SD

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