
Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder. -E.B. White

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


My time in South Dakota is now coming to an end. It's on to the next state, Minnesota. Before I go however, I have to say that SD was not what I had imagined. I thought it would be predictably flat and boring. Yes it is full of farmland, but it has its own beauty about it. This land produces what you eat all around the nation. It's a state that nurishes the American people and that should be something to be proud of. It is also a state full of friendly neighbors. I met some great people along this trip. I even stayed up drinking and talking with people I had just met until 5 in the morning! I can't remember the last time I stayed up that late, and to think of all places it would be in South Dakota! In Ethan, every person I passed waved hello to me. It's just not something that I experience very often in this day and age of hurried tensions.

So thank you state of South Dakota for exceeding my expectations and showing me not to judge a book by its cover! It's been good!

Now...on to Minnesota (10,000 Lakes)!

Here are a few parting photos.

Aurora, SD "Gala Days" parade
Just another sunny day
Catching Candy
Trick riding policeman
Gala Days Parade



  1. I love the buildings in the background. That's Americana at its best.

  2. You know it's a good place if the police officers have spare time to learn tricks! lol
