
Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder. -E.B. White

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

OH CANADA! Sioux Narrows Adventures

Well as I said before and I'll say it again...I'm a rebel. On my American tour I decided to visit another country. But I've never been before so I HAD to! So now I guess it's a North American Tour. Sounds good to me.

I started the journey to the north from Rochester, MN and continued until farmland became forest. Now I'm a sucker for mountainous areas, so the drive was very peaceful and a happy one for me. I came to International Falls where I crossed into western Ontario, Canada. I made sure to get gas before I crossed, but it was still crazy expensive. I should have known that a trip made in summer would result in major financial losses because of gas prices.
Anyway, I always get nervous crossing boarders. Not that I have anything to hide, but all the questions they ask you (where are you going, who are you going to see, why are you here) is so nerve-racking! I'm always thinking if I don't answer fast enough or sound normal enough than they are going to send me to a prison cell around back. Yah, paranoid.

I'm happy to announce however, that I made it across with no problems.

So I drove an hour and a half through beautiful country up to a place called Sioux Narrows to visit my friend's parents who have a lakeside home.
The Lakeside Home

Looking out into the lake is like seeing a vivid dream. It was so amazing to be there. That is when I really felt like I was on vacation. The home looked out toward miles and miles of calm waters and beautiful homes. What I wouldn't give to have this be one of my summer homes someday! I jumped into the lake off the docks and enjoyed sunny days and beautiful sunsets.

View from the deck

A happy Kelsey!

My hosts were so great to be with and they fed me well and made sure I had everything I needed to have a great time. And I did! We went fishing one day and I put the line in for about 30 seconds and caught my first fish of the day. In the two hours we were out on the lake I had caught 9 fish! Everyone in the boat pretty much caught the same amount or more as well. Definitely a great day for fishing!

One night I had a hard time sleeping because I heard a large animal rumbling around in the bushes next to my window. Now, this window was somewhat old and very thin. I didn't trust it to keep back a bear that's for sure! So I didn't get a whole lot of sleep that night, but it might have been a deer. Nighttime imagination is never very trustworthy.
A couple of times I went swimming off of the dock in the clean water and sometimes I just sat by it and watched all of the boats and people headed off to the distant parts of the lake. Oh yes, the lake must have been a hundred miles long. It was never ending! Little islands were dotted everywhere and we even named fishing holes after ourselves.

I was told that we were going to visit the zoo in town. So I asked how much it would be to get in and apparently it was free. Now I'm not sure what kind of zoo is free but maybe the Canadian government pays for it. I didn't know. Well, here are some pictures of this "zoo".

The city landfill could definitely be conceived as a zoo! Two big bears just scrounging around for their food in the dump was quite an interesting sight. I couldn't believe the guy working directing cars where to go was that close to them everyday and it never fazed him at all.

This out-of-country trip was so worth the drive! I loved every peaceful and interesting minute of it.
Thank you Durkin family!


<div style='text-align:center;font-size:11px;font-family:arial;font-weight:normal;margin:10px;padding:0;line-height:normal'><a href='http://www.dwellable.com/a/5015/Ontario/Sioux-Narrows/Vacation-Rentals' style='border:none'><img src='http://www.dwellable.com/dwellback/5015.jpg' style='width:102px;height:20px;border:none;margin:0;padding:0'><br>Sioux Narrows on Dwellable</a></div>

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