
Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder. -E.B. White

Thursday, September 13, 2012


"Virginia is for lovers". If I had to guess why they came up with that for a state motto, it probably would be because it's easy to fall in love with this part of the country. Virginia is part of so much American history and it shows everywhere. Around every corner is another historical sight. It is so green here and there are flowers I've never seen before and a million butterflies!

My favorite part of the trip in this state was driving through the Appalachian mountains. I went off the curving highway onto some random back roads I decided looked interesting. I don't remember ever seeing another road that looked so enticingly beautiful. I followed a road that continued alongside a creek deeper into the mountains. I came across a tiny town, if you could even call it that at all. It looked more like a random place that a couple of families decided they could build some houses in. I saw a sign for a Cowboy Church. I just couldn't pass that up considering I had no idea at the time what a cowboy church even was or looked like.

As it turns out it was just a bunch of old run down looking buildings and someones trailer they were living in. They had a pen for a small rodeo. And that is a cowboy church.

I saw this house that had a couple dozen plastic pink flamingos decorating the lawn. I got a good chuckle from that. Ah, the joys of not having a Homeowners Association. Things just seem to have more character, more personality, more life in these parts.

And the animals I encountered along the way were interesting as well. Some were enjoyable sights, others, like the insects, were a little more bothersome.

I don't quite know where this horse came from but he seemed to know his way around pretty well.

I also came across a cute little dog just wondering around the road. Animals here seem to know where they are going and are free to wonder anywhere they please.

I came up to a small stone bridge that crossed over into someones plot of land and I decided I was going to sit on the bridge and take in the fresh air. I think I lasted less than five minutes when I started to get attacked by gnats and some branches broke close by in the dense trees. Assuming it was some large animal I didn't want to come into contact with, I got back in my car. Now, I have to tell you that it was actually pretty comical looking back. I'm sure I looked ridiculous swatting gnats frantically off my face and jumping at the slightest sound. Poor city girl.

Everything here has a mysterious and old feel to it. It's kind of interesting to stand somewhere and wonder who was there before you and how long ago that was.

The Appalachian is something not to be missed, if you ever get the chance.

These hills are alive with the sound of Country music!


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