
Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder. -E.B. White

Sunday, June 17, 2012


When your life becomes predictable, it's time to do something crazy. I noticed that my life has gone through plenty of changes in the past year since I graduated from college. But one thing remains the same...the inability to decide what I should do with the rest of my life.
So, I'm giving in. Life, to me, should be unpredictable. I believe in two things, both very contradictory to each other but both simultaniously true;

1) Make your own destiny, 2) Everything happens for a reason. You can attempt to make your wildest dreams a reality but don't be surprised when you hit some major potholes. Everything for a reason. Some things work out, some don't. Either way, you will be led onto the next wild dream.

My next wild dream: American road tour...by myself.

Okay, so maybe it's mostly no one wants to go with me because their lives are a little more put together than mine. No worries. I'll just have to find out how tough I am by taking this trip on my own. I've heard everything from "you're crazy" to "that's sketchy", to "that's great!" So here I am about to do something a little crazy, but great.

I have hardly any plans. I can go anywhere at anytime. I don't know exactly when I'll be leaving and I don't know when or if I'll ever be back to the same area I've lived in. I will have no home but the open roads. Yeah, a hobo.

I know for sure that my first stop is Pueblo, CO to bring all my stuff into storage. Next stop could be anywhere. I will be attempting to blog about where I've been and give a heads up to people about where I might be headed next. Mostly so if I disappear off the face of the earth, tell the cops where you knew me to be last!

I'm kidding mom. Don't freak out.

End of July I'll start my journey. I can hardly wait to put some unpredictability back into my life. :)

*Kelsey P. *


  1. "I have a simple philosophy: Fill what's empty. Empty what's full. Scratch where it itches." --Alice Roosevelt Longworth
