
Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder. -E.B. White

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


With Mardi Gras fast approaching I was eager to hunt down a parade or two to really get the full experience. When people think of Mardi Gras, it usually brings the image of New Orleans. Well it's not the only place they celebrate the holiday. When I got to Mobile, I wasn't expecting to find a parade. But I did. Actually Mobile, Alabama was where the first Mardi Gras celebration started! The first celebration was in 1703. Now that's a long time to be partying!

Parades for Mardi Gras start weeks prior to Fat Tuesday. There are various parades honoring different saints and mystic legends. Some have specific themes, like "RIP Hostess" in Baton Rouge, but that remains for the next blog. The parade in Mobil that I went to was the Mystic Stripers Society established in 1940. This parade showcased a variety of school mascots from the south. From high school to college. These parades are put on by "Krewes" with their own secret memberships. So everyone on a float in the parade wears a mask to keep their identity hidden. The culture of Mardi Gras is pretty interesting, I suggest reading more about it...or maybe just going to see for yourself!

Beads and trinkets were thrown at random into the huge crowds around me. I caught more than my fair share, including; beads, bouncy balls, roses, moon pies, cups, and even a spear! Yes a spear, made of foam.

The Stash 

The town of Mobile itself was pretty interesting as well. There were neighborhoods with giant houses in victorian style and many with Mardi Gras decor. Beautiful flowers blooming in front lawns (in February!) and a large park in the middle of downtown's tall buildings. One of which lit up the Mardi Gras colors of green, purple, and gold.

I even got to see the Atlantic ocean (again) and it's port where the Carnival Triumph docked its crippled cruise ship in recent news. It was only days after I left that this occured.

Mobile, Alabama was a fun experience that I'm glad I got to enjoy. If you are ever passing through, see if you can find a small store across from the park in downtown that sells local artist's work. There is one artist that makes bowls out of melted Mardi Gras beads. A great idea for all the TONS of beads I collected!

Next up Baton Rouge, Louisiana for more fun!

~Kelsey P.~

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