
Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder. -E.B. White

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Front Yard Furniture

If you have wondered in the past couple of months, "So what the heck ever happened to Kelsey and her road trip?" Well, I stopped for some gas money and ended up an irresponsible blogger with plenty of incredible memories I have yet to share with you!

My apologies for the ridiculously long absence in filling you in on my journey. I was caught up in the moment a little too much and forgot to record all of the great times I had in Raleigh, North Carolina. Yes, that is where I've been all this time.

Let me first say that finding a job in Raleigh is just as hard as they said it would be, but finding friends was easy. Most people here are so friendly and easy to get along with. I only say "most" because on a personal level, everyone here is awesome. But put me on the roads driving in the city and I want to run right off of it! No offense fellow North Carolinians. As a Westerner, driving in the East coast is a little nerve wracking. But besides that, the relationships I've made here are ones that are going to last me a lifetime.

While in Raleigh, I received a job as a photographer at a portrait studio and learned a great deal about portrait photography. This seems to be a field I can really see myself pursuing. I love interacting with people (the babies are the cutest) and helping them make memories. It's weird to be saying that I'm actually going to miss a job, but I really am going to miss this one.

Well along with making gas money, I also spent time enjoying the holidays and the beauty of the season. At Halloween, I carved pumpkins and watched scary movies. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays (I think it's all the cinnamon apple scented candles and candy).

At Thanksgiving, I spent it eating some amazing food with my friend Jackie and her adorable family. I'm so glad that I had somewhere to spend Thanksgiving. So a million thanks to you Jackie! I really felt right at home and boy did I eat like it.
In December, I went home to my own family in Colorado and enjoyed a white Christmas. It was great seeing my brother again since he left home for college all the way on the other side of the country in California. My time spent there was pretty typical of a Pisciotta family holiday. Good food, loud and lovable family, and a little chaos are always a good way to spend the holidays. The day after Christmas while my mom put the oven in cleaning mode and left the kitchen, the oven caught on fire from all the turkey grease built up inside of it and I almost passed out of smoke inhilation. Okay I'm exagerating, but it did catch on fire!
The season also brought with it some beautiful scenery and plenty of time to enjoy a walk outside. But don't forget about the colds that come along with it! Of course I caught one.

This adventure has brought on so many new friends, experiences, and opportunities. I even got to photograph an Avant Garde dress showcase at the North Carolina Museum of Art! I had such a great time at this event and took plenty of photos of some truly interesting dresses.

And of course, I visited the beaches at the Outer Banks. (Visit my last post to check out my time at the beach in Kitty Hawk!) 
I want to thank my host Barb for letting me stay with her for as long as I did. And it was a very long time as you know, since it's been months since my last post. I am so grateful for the many people along my journey who have helped me out.
So I'm starting out again fresh and with a renewed sense of curiosity for the great unknown!
The next adventure is in South Carolina, and so far it's been worth the drive...
 South Carolina sneek peek!

 ~Kelsey P.~

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